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Florence Drummond non-executive director, Taiton Resources Limited.png

Florence Drummond

Independent Non-Executive Director

Florence Drummond is the Co-Founder and CEO of Indigenous Women in Mining and Resources Australia (IWIMRA) which works to elevate and empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in the resources industry.

Florence serves on a number of Boards, including the K Farmer Dutjahn Foundation, and is active in building the capacity of future leaders to Directorship roles. Her work in the evolving space of ESG, Sustainable Development Goals and United Nations agendas contributes to the holistic principle of global mechanisms with local solutions.

Her continuous involvement in the minerals industry as an advisor and leading the network IWIMRA, has demonstrated her continued support for women and Indigenous people in non-traditional roles. Additional to her consultancy and network building capabilities and reputation, her operational and project experience with Rio Tinto's Northern Operations and BHP's South Flank provides greater perspective on the direction of Indigenous engagement across the scope of the minerals industry.

Ms Drummond has acknowledged to the Company that she will have sufficient time to fulfil her responsibilities as a Director.

Ms Drummond is considered to be an independent director and is free from any business or other relationship that could materially interfere with, or reasonably be perceived to interfere with, the independent exercise of her judgement.

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